Fees/Personal Conduct

Tournament Fees


Entry fees are varied per tournament, discounts are available for teams/clubs. Please reach out to Kevin@LifetimeYouthSports.com for more information


PAP (Pay at the Plate) tournaments require each team to pay for umpires prior to the start of each game. The fees are structures as follows:

  • 7U/8U: $80 ($40/team)

  • 9U/10U: $100 ($50/team)

  • 11U/12U: $110 ($55/team)

  • 13U/14U: $120 ($60/team)


$10 entry fee for visitors

Free entry for anyone 12 years old and under

$5 for Seniors and Veterans

USSSA Rules and By-Laws

USSSA rules and by-laws can be found here - USSSA_National_By-Laws8-16-2024.pdf (usssabaseball.org)

Points of focus

  • All rules not specifically covered by USSSA revert to MLB gameplay rules

  • Pitching Limits

    • 7U-14U maximum to pitch on Saturday to be eligible to pitch Sunday is 9 outs (3 innings)

    • 7U-12U maximum to pitch in one day is 18 out (6 innings)

    • 13U-14U maximum to pitch in one day is 7 innings (21 outs)

    • 7U-14U maximum to pitch over a weekend is 8 innings (24 outs)

  • Rule 7.04.F Feinting/Faking a bunt and swinging away is allowed in all ages 9 and up

  • Rule 7.01.M The use of one way Electronic Signaling devices are permitted to be worn by all players.


If a team withdraws from an event 7+ days before the event, the team will receive a full refund.

If a team withdraws from an event 3-6 days prior to the event, the team will receive a refund of amount paid less a $25 admin fee

If a team withdraws from an event less than 3 days before the event no refund will be given.

If games are canceled due to weather or other events outside the control of Lifetime Youth Sports, refunds will be issued from team entry fees only - gate fees and umpire fees are non-refundable once paid.

Refunds are issues based on the number of games played:

  • 0 games played - Full refund

  • 1 game played - 50% refund

  • 2 games played - No refund

Refunds will be issued in the manner in which they were received. (USSSA site, Venmo, Cash App…)

Personal Conduct Policy

Head coaches responsible for players, fans and team conduct

Head coaches are held responsible for the conduct of their players, coaches and fans. Game personnel (including spectators) shall not use language or gestures that will, in any manner, refer to, or reflect negatively toward opposing players. coaches, umpires, spectators, county/city park staff. PENALTY: In the case of unruly fans or unsportsmanlike conduct from fan(s) the team's head coach will be given the opportunity to inform fan(s) that their behavior is subject to that fan(s) being ejected from the game and from the park. If once fan(s) is warned by manager and behavior persists fan(s) will be ejected from park. If head coach does not warn fan and behavior continues both head coach and fan will be ejected by the umpire and/or the tournament director.

Head coach only allowed to appeal to umpire

Only head coaches or recognized head coach is allowed to appeal to umpires during the game and all conversations with an umpire should be conducted after a time out has been called and be held in a calm and professional manner. Verbal abuse of the umpire will not be tolerated and may result in ejection from the game. Assistant coaches that do not adhere to this rule are subject to immediate ejection from game.

Head coach and a max of 2 coaches allowed in dugout

During all games a max of 3 coaches, 1 head coach and 2 assistant coaches, will be allowed. The coaching staff may not exceed a total of 3 coaches at any time during any game (7U/8U is allowed to have 4 coaches).

All ejections of managers or coaches

Any head coach or assistant coach ejected from a game may be required to sit out the next game at the tournament director'sdiscretion. After being ejected a head coach or assistant coach must vacate the premises of the current game (must adhere to the cannot see or hear ejected coach policy). Any head coach caught continuing to coach after being ejected or suspended will be suspended for an additional period of time and/or possibly the remainder of the event and the team may be forced to forfeit the game.

Player ejections

Any player ejected from a game is required to sit out the following game as well(1+1 policy).Game misconductNo coach, player, or team shall, at any time, whether from the bench, coaching box, or playing field, attempt to incite by word or sign, any unsportsmanlike conduct or demonstration by spectators. Penalty: Offending team member is subject to immediate ejection from game. (Profanity of any sort is strictly prohibited and is grounds for immediate ejection)